
Check here for the latest blog posts from our community, coaches, and the world of CrossFit Horsepower. Featuring personal experiences and insights, featured coaches, local events, fun recipes, and quality curated content, we’ll have plenty to help exercise your mind in addition to working out your body!

A plate of food with ham and scrambled eggs on a wooden table.
By CrossFit Horsepower April 6, 2020
Dr. Suess knew what he was doing with green eggs and ham. This dish is great for Easter breakfast or anytime you get tired of plain old eggs!
A plate of food with an omelet and a muffin on a table.
By CrossFit Horsepower March 2, 2020
Though this recipe is a mouthful (literally and figuratively) I love a good breakfast sandwich! Here’s a simple way to get in a healthy breakfast that you can take to-go and eat with your hands in the car (while someone else is driving of course)!
A wooden cutting board topped with chicken nuggets and a bowl of sauce.
By CrossFit Horsepower February 3, 2020
This is a nice twist on plain old chicken. It’s quick, easy and healthy.
A white brick wall with a yellow sign that says no hand
By CrossFit Horsepower January 27, 2020
Saying you cannot do a behavior is like saying you cannot ask out a person you like. You can, but for any number of reasons, you’re just not going to. In fitness, there are outcome goals and there are process goals. Process goals lead to outcome goals. Deadlifting, the process goal, leads to the 600-pound deadlift, the outcome goal. Reducing calories, the process goal, leads to a lower body fat percentage, the outcome goal. Processes cause outcomes.
A man is sleeping with a baby wrapped in a blanket.
By CrossFit Horsepower January 20, 2020
Adequate hours of high quality, uninterrupted sleep is just as, if not, more important to your health and fitness than all of the hours you put into your workouts and your nutrition. Despite what the great street poet, Nas, or your favorite #hustlelife Instagram influencer has to say, sleep is nature’s greatest enhancer of physical and cognitive health and performance.
A notebook with workout tracking log written out
By CrossFit Horsepower January 13, 2020
Do you remember your high school English class? When your teacher first taught you how to write an essay, they probably began first with how to create an outline. Once you format your outline, it will be easier to organize and fill in the details. With a framework to guide your thought process, you can write an entire essay from beginning to end. This same method can be applied to your workouts.
A pan filled with eggs and tomato sauce on a table.
By CrossFit Horsepower January 6, 2020
Breakfast, lunch or dinner! Oh my! This is a great dish for ANY time of day. It’s a spicy Mediterranean dish that will start your day off right.
Two men are giving each other a high five at CrossFit Horsepower gym in Studio City, CA
By CrossFit Horsepower October 29, 2019
Age ain't nothing but a number, and it has never been truer than it is today, with many people starting exercise programs later in life. If you're new to exercise, or coming back to it after many years of a layoff, it is very challenging. You don't have the same sense of fearlessness that you had in the past. You may lack confidence for many reasons.
A collage of different types of food including avocados
By CrossFit Horsepower October 21, 2019
Nutrition is the base of all performance. Make sure yours is on point by bringing these 10 foods into your diet & improve all round well-being & Crossfit performances.
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